Optical TV Messaging and TV Coupons Technology

The Optinetix TV messaging technology utilizes
conventional TV advertising or TV programs to
directly distribute product promotions and coupons
to the viewers, offering a tremendous business
opportunity for advertisers and operators.

TV is the leading advertising medium in North
America, surpassing newspapers and other means
since 1994. Over $60 billion were spent on TV
advertising in 2002, while over $4 billion in coupon
transactions are conducted each year in the United
States and Canada, with over 75% of house-
holds using coupons in their regular shopping.

Coupon capturing
Ready-to-use Coupon

The innovative Optinetix solution works over
the existing infrastructure, with no modifications
to subscribers' equipment (TVs or STBs), MSO
cable plants or broadcasting equipment. The data
signal is carried within the broadcast video signal
itself and captured optically from the TV screen by
an inexpensive RCU-like device, to immediately
create and print paper coupons.

The existing broadcasting infrastructure, points
of sale and current coupon processing remain
The Optinetix solution and
technology are patent pending.

The compelling advantages of the Optinetix solution are these:
It permits the highly effective distribution of discount coupons directly from TV
advertising or programs, offering a new method in the multibillion-coupon
business, traditionally uses newspapers and direct mail to consumers.
TV coupons raise TV commercial effectiveness and value, motivating the viewer
to watch ad spots, as discount coupons can be "clipped" out of the ad itself.
The technology provides an accurate tool to measure specific TV advertising
effectiveness, in terms of the number of people that were sufficiently impressed
by the ad, chose to "clip" the coupon and eventually made the purchase.
The redemption process is identical to any paper coupon redemption, and uses
the existing infrastructure. In addition, each individual coupon has a traceable
unique ID stamp for various marketing purposes as well as fraud prevention.


Optinetix Inc. 12 Eliyahu Hakim St., Tel-Aviv 69120, Israel Tel. 011-972-3-7440127, Fax. 011-972-3-6427484


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